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Rent indices for housing

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Prices and Consumption, Economic Statistics.
Martin Sædholm Nielsen
  • 45 39 17 30 05

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Rent indices for housing 2021

The purpose of the statistic Rent indices for housing is to measure the development in rent (housing). The statistic covers the years from 2021.

Statistical presentation

The statistic is a quarterly statistics who show the development in rents before rent subsidies.

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Statistical processing

The Rent indices for housing are based on a sample of privately owned rented dwellings, social rental housing and cooperative dwellings. The rent development for the social rental housing is based on administrative data from The National Bulding Fund (Landsbyggefonden) and thus covers the entire population of social rental housing. Privately owned rented dwellings is covered by a sample of approx. 110.000 dwellings out of a population of approx. 500.000 privately owned rented dwellings. Cooperative dwellings is covered by a sample of approx. 600 dwellings. Social rental housing and private rental housing each amount to almost half of the total rental housing market whereas cooperative dwellings account for approx. 10 per cent.

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The statistic measures the development in rent (housing).

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Accuracy and reliability

It is not possible to quantify the uncertainty in the rent indices for housing, as the sample behind is not randomly drawn . However, for social housing, the statistics are based on the population of social housing, which is why there is no uncertainty here. For the private rental homes, the sample consists of approx. 110,000 rental homes out of a population of approx. 500,000 rental housing, so here there is limited sample uncertainty. Cooperative dwellings are covered by a sample of approx. 600 dwellings, so here there is sample uncertainty.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The consumer price index including the rents index is published on the 10th or the first working day thereafter, following the month in which the data was collected. The statistics are published without delay in relation to the scheduled date.

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The statistics have been compiled in the same way since 2021. The statistics are not necessarily comparable with other statistics within the same area due to different methods.

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Accessibility and clarity

These statistics are published in the StatBank under rent and rental vacancy.

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