Statistical presentation
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Business Dynamics, Business StatisticsPetur Solnes Jonsson
+45 3917 3056
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The purpose of the statistics is to disseminate the activity in the area of public libraries in Denmark. The statistics are produced by Statistics Denmark on behalf of the Ministry of Culture. Up to and including 2009 the statistics was produced by the Ministry of Culture.
Data description
The library statistic show the activity of public libraries in Denmark. The main information is stock, growth, lending, renewal of loans and interlibrary loans. The statistic shows stock of books calculated on internationally comparable categories of material types. The statistic shows loan of books at internationally comparable categories of material types. The statistic shows the libraries' economy.
Classification system
The dk5 decimal classification specify the topics of literature.
Sector coverage
Statistical concepts and definitions
Active personal borrowers: Active personal patrons are people who have borrowed books or used electronic resources within the last year.
Libraries: Organization or part of an organization whose main purpose is to maintain the collection, registering, communication and maintenance of the collection in order to meet users' needs for information, research, education, culture, etc. A library can include one or more service points, collectively referred to as a library system. Library include all the library's public access points covered by the library's gross operating budget, ie main library, branches, service points and mobile libraries.
Interlibrary loans: Interlibrary loans are loans of books or other items between libraries at home and abroad.
Materials: Materials are contiguous amount of information or other intellectual and / or artistic production of which constitutes a completed unit. A material is a representation of a work or collection of works published or considered as a physical entity and as such form the basis of a bibliographic description.
Multimedia: Term for electronic and computer controlled products stored on a material such as CD-ROM or DVD, which consists of and coordinates the use of two or more forms of expression such as text, images and sound.
Servicespot: A service spot is part of the larger administrative unit that offers limited library services to the public in permanent premises either to a specific target group (e.g. children) or to a locally defined user group. A service spot is different from a branch libraries in that the service is restricted for example. for the lending of requested material and delivery. A service point can be part of another company, shop, post office, cafe, public office etc.
Statistical unit
Statistical population
The population for the statistics are all public libraries in Denmark.
Reference area
Time coverage
Most data are available from 2009. Information about electronic resources is available from 2015.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
For information to stock or loans the statistical unit is materials. For information related to visits or events the statistical unit is number of people. For information relating to libraries' accounts the statistical unit is in Danish kroner.
Reference period
Calendar year 2017.
Frequency of dissemination
Dissemination happens annually.
Legal acts and other agreements
Cost and burden
The statistic is not regarded as an significant burden because most of the gathered data are drawn from databases.
There is no further information.