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Welfare and Health, Social Statistics
Annesofie Thorup Olesen
+45 3917 30 38

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Disadvantaged children and young people (Discontinued)

The statistics have been published since 1977, but due to large changes in legislation in 1985, 1993 and 2006 statistics are not directly comparable throughout the years.

Comparability - geographical

There are statistics about children and young people who are placed in institutions or in foster families in many other countries. However, these statistics are not subject to any EU regulation or compiled according to other international guidelines. These statistics can therefore not be compared directly internationally.

Comparability over time

These statistics have been compiled since 1977, but due to legislative changes in 1985 and 1993, the statistics are not strictly comparable over the years. After changes in the Danish Social Assistance Act as of 1 January 1985, placements outside the home, according to the act on "recommendations and impositions", were left out. Since then, the legal provisions for all round-the-clock placements are included in the paragraphs regarding ordinary placements, i.e. placement outside the home either with or without the parents' consent. From January 1993, the change in legislation meant that certain types of assistance, which were previously considered as placement outside the home, were transferred to the group of preventive measures. At the same time, a number of new measures were introduced.

Coherence - cross domain

These statistics Micro-data contains social security numbers, which makes it possible to link data with other statistics.

Coherence - internal

Data reported from different sources usually follow the same reporting forms.