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Statistical processing

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Short Term Statistics, Business Statistics
Peter Ottoseen
+45 39 17 30 25

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Danish Ships

Data collected from The Danish Maritime Authority and the Danish Shipowner's Association are compared to get the most accurate information on the ships. Usually it is the use of the ship that can be changed.

Source data

The statistics on the Danish ship fleet are based on extracts from the List of Danish Ships held by the Danish Maritime Authority and on information from Danish Shipowners' Association.

Frequency of data collection

Date collection is conducted annually.

Data collection

Data are extracted from registers.

Data validation

The ships in the Danish shipping registers maintained by the Danish Maritime Authority are compared to the Danish Shipowners´Association´s list of their member ships over 100 GT with a view to validating background information relating to the ships. Corrections are, in particular, made to the year of registration, use, and size.

Data compilation

Corrections are only made with regard to differences in background information among the data sources, as the data from the Danish Shipowners’ Association are considered to have the greatest reliability with regard to use. New data are comparable with data published earlier in order to ensure the greatest possible consistency of the time references, so that ships do not constantly fluctuate among uses year by year. The statistics are restricted to covering vessels over 20 GT.


Other corrections are not made in addition to what is described under the items on data validation and data compilation.