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Danish Industrial Classifi­cations

Dansk Branchekode in relation to International classifications

What is Dansk Branchekode?

Dansk Branchekode is the National version of EU's nomenklatur (NACE).
The first four digits refer to NACE rev. 2, while the last two represent the Danish subdivision.
Dansk Branchekode is a statistical classification of economic activities.

Dansk Branchekode 2007 (DB07) is very similar to NACE rev. 2. The only difference is the subdivision of some classes, e.g. 64.20.10 indicates that NACE Rev. 2 class 64.20 has been subdivided whereas 38.31.00 indicates that class 38.31 has not been subdivided. 

  • On RAMON, which is EU's classification database, you can find further information about NACE or other International classifications.
  • Conversion key between the two NACE revisions (Rev. 1.1 and Rev. 2), which DB03 and DB07 are based on. 

Useful information

All enterprises have an activity code based on the main activity. You can look up your enterprise on
If the activity code does not reflect the main activity, you should change it by contacting The Danish Commerce and Companies Agency (DCCA), SKAT (the tax department) eller Statistics Denmark

  • The Danish Commerce and Companies Agency (DCCA) self-service system (in Danish only)
  • Statistics Denmark (Business Registers): Phone 3917 3840

Dansk Branchekode 2007 (DB07) - publications

DB07 replaced DB03 January 1, 2008 (DB03 was the Danish nomenclature from January 1, 2003, to January 1, 2008).

Statistics Denmark has replaced 47.91.10 Retail sale via mail order houses with eight new activity codes, because it's an area which is growing. All relevant enterprises has been recoded. You can see the new codes and titles in the updated publication or the three files below, which are available for download.

Previous version

DB07 replaced DB03 January 1, 2008.


Birgit Nielsen
Phone: +45 39 17 38 69