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General Government Output and Productivity 2003-2010

The publication highlights the public sector output and productivity chances estimated by the output-method.

The output-method shows that the annual volume growth in public sector increase by 1.8 per cent point between 2003-2010 while the current national account (the input-method) shows for comparison an average annual growth of 1.4 per cent.

Output method is based on indicators
The alternative method measures are based on the outputs produced by selecting indicators for the number of public services instead of the current method, that are based on the inputs used to produce the non-market public services.

The indicators could include number of treatments at hospitals, number of pupil hours in schools and the number of elderly in nursing homes, etc.

The publication is also published in Danish as Offentlig produktion og produktivitet 2003-2010.

General Government Output and Productivity


General Government Output and Productivity
ISBN: 978-87-501-2026-1
Released: 25 October 2012 09:00
No of pages: 75
Contact info:
Lars Gustafsson
Phone: 39 17 34 87